WhatsApp launched voice call and video call services for its desktop users. Those who do not know how to use this service on the desktop can learn this through this entry.
The feature was introduced on both Windows and Mac platforms for desktop users. You can now do it on a desktop as well as making voice call and video call calls on your smartphone.
To do this correctly, you must first download the WhatsApp desktop version on your computer. Then, open the WhatsApp desktop, scan the QR code displayed on the screen through WhatsApp on your smartphone and connect to your WhatsApp account.
Once the QR code is scanned, users will be able to access their WhatsApp contacts on the desktop. To make a voice call or video call, click the icons listed on the right side of the contact's name. Make calls by clicking the correct call icon to make a video or voice call.
You should have updated the latest version of the WhatsApp desktop for this feature. Also, WhatsApp will ask permission to access your desktop's camera and microphone. If users do not have a stable Internet connection, you are likely to face problems when using the voice and video calling feature in the WhatsApp desktop version.