In 2020, WhatsApp launched a new cart service to enhance the shopping experience of WhatsApp users. The 'Add to Cart' option allows users to recruit the desired items from different lists posted by merchants under different categories. It also allows you to shop on sites owned by Facebook.
Cart feature for WhatsApp Business users
It also offers WhatsApp users a shopping experience similar to e-commerce operating systems. Here they can add or remove items from their card. This feature enables business owners and merchants to know all requests and sales information from customers.
How to use the WhatsApp Card feature?
If you are a WhatsApp business user, the cart feature is automatically available on your account. However, to use the Cart feature, make sure your WhatsApp is updated to the latest version. If not updated, update immediately. You can use it after your WhatsApp Business Apps are updated.
How to register an order using the cart feature?
WhatsApp Cart is specially designed to provide users with a seamless shopping experience. When you engage in a business account on WhatsApp, you can press the 'Add to Cart' button and prepare to order it if you are sure about the product you want to buy. Do this to add items to your cart.
Business Profile of the Merchant
To add products to the cart, open WhatsApp and go to the business profile of the merchant you want to buy. Click the shopping icon. Note that it is located near the name of the merchant. You can open the list maintained by the business owner and browse many products and choose your favorite item.
Click Add to Cart option
Click on the product you want to buy and click the Add to Cart option now. You can message the merchant directly to ask specific questions about the product and clear your doubts. You can use your WhatsApp business to purchase products.