Its CEO Pavel Durov said 7 crore users switched to the Telegram app as social media, because Facebook, Whatsapp, and Instagram were shut down for 6 hours.
Apps including WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram shut down at 9 pm on October 4 and ended for about 6 hours. From contacting close friends to transporting daily news to everyone, the importance of the three is high. Internet users commented that many people repeatedly recharged that the mobile had run out of data.
The 6-hour freeze resulted in a loss of about Rs 45,000 crore to Mark Zuckerberg, resulting in a fall in Facebook's fortune to $121.6 billion. So Mark Zuckerberg was pushed behind Bill Gates in the list of the world's richest people.
Its CEO, Pavel Durov, said the shutdown had resulted in 7 crore users for the Telegram app. He said, "It is a matter of pride to think of the work of our group. We have got about 7 crores, new users. The app's performance was slow as more users downloaded the Telegram app at the same time. 50 crore users are currently using telegram apps around the world," he said.